Bob Drach
North Carolina's State Auditor
HI, I am Bob Drach — your best choice for North Carolina’s State Auditor. As a former Certified Management Accountant, I know financial reporting, information systems and organizational leadership. See the many reasons to elect Bob on his website linked here.

Gheorghe Cormos
US NC 3rd District Congressmen
My motivation for running for US NC 3rd District primarily stems from the government power overreach during the shutdowns, as well as the continued polarization of our society. My subjective truth, and arguably, the objective truth as well, is that there is NO discernable difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Both will inherently increase government authority to solve “problems” at the cost of individual liberties.
The following are the policies, or planks, on which I will focus throughout my campaign:
- Our National Debt is Unsustainable
- End Marijuana Prohibition
- Yes to School Vouchers
- No to Emergency Powers and Immunities
- End Political Polarization via Ranked Choice Voting and Limiting Gerrymandering
John Evans
NC Senate District 7